Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Hi all, glad to present the first try to the inverse elliptic integral of the second kind. Please try it yourself and give us a feedback!

% modulus and phase in degrees
[phi,alpha] = meshgrid(0:5:90, 0:2:90);
% values of integrals
[F,E] = elliptic12(pi/180*phi, sin(pi/180*alpha).^2);
% values of inverse
invE = inverselliptic2(E, sin(pi/180*alpha).^2);

  1. http://code.google.com/p/elliptic/source/browse/trunk/inverselliptic2.m
  2. J. P. Boyd, "Numerical, Perturbative and Chebyshev Inversion of the Incomplete Elliptic Integral of the Second Kind", Applied Mathematics and Computation (January 2012)